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Rated 5/5 by valued clients

Life is too short to be in a career that drains you. Enough is enough.

Say goodbye to sleepwalking through your career and hello to taking control of your future

✅  Get unstuck from what no longer serves you

✅  Achieve alignment with your core values and strengths

✅  Reclaim your future in a career that works for YOU

✅  Move from longing into action with a dedicated coach

✅  Stop letting your brain sabotage your success

"Louise has given me the tools, language and confidence to embrace new challenges in a career that aligns with my core values. I really have come away each time with valuable materials.  I feel super empowered to make the changes in my career! If you are thinking about joining this programme, do it, do it, DO IT! You won’t be disappointed."

Alice, United Kingdom  ★★★★★

Certificates  & memberships

Do you wake up on Mondays with a distinct lack of motivation, or perhaps even a feeling of dread?

✔  It's taking a toll on your physical, emotional and mental health.

✔  You want to make a shift but you don't know where to begin.

✔  Perhaps you've stumbled into this career and it's never felt in line with who you are.

✔  You're reluctant to 'throw away' all the investment you've made getting to this point.

✔  You wrestle with self-limiting beliefs such as "I couldn't possibly do that", "I'll never get a job like that", and "I'm not good enough".

Does this sound familiar?


If so, you're in the right place, and you're not alone.


Did you know that 28% of people in the UK want to leave their job?

We spend over a third of our lives at work.  Feeling unhappy or stuck in your career has a tremendous impact on our overall wellbeing and happiness. 

It's not good enough, and it doesn't have to be this way...

Find out moe


The Career Clarity Success Programme

This programme is designed to help you break through these feelings and move towards successful future which is aligned to WHO you are and WHAT you care about

Stage 1

Unlocking You

We work together to unpack your underlying beliefs, internalised narratives about careers, success and failure, identify your core values, and clarify your personal goals

Stage 2

Empowering You

We focus on identifying your core strengths (leveraging powerful psychometrics) and transferable skills. This stage is about your personal empowerment and career confidence

Stage 3

Accelerating You

We set you up for success in exploring ideas & testing assumptions. Your personalised action plan will equip you to consider roles against your unique criteria and move forward with clarity


What the Career Clarity Success Programme helps you achieve...

✅  Clarify what you want. Step out of uncertainty

✅  Overcome Misalignment Burnout

✅  Empowered self-awareness 


✅  Practical guidance on how to navigate possibilities 


✅  A sense of control over your future


✅  Break free from the overwhelm and indecision 


 ✅ Confidence in your self-worth and unique value as you transition into a future you want and deserve

Book a free discovery call today to learn more about how my Career Clarity Success Programme can help you achieve all of this.



Are you ready to take the first step toward career fulfilment?

This programme includes:


✅  6 virtual coaching sessions over 6 weeks 


✅  A personalised Strengthscope® report and debrief into your core strengths (value: £500)

✅  A unique blend of career coaching and HR consulting

✅  Unlimited email/Whatsapp access to me in-between sessions

✅  Supporting materials and workbooks

Plus these fantastic Bonuses:

✅  FREE 1:1 Limiting Belief-Busting Session to help you manage your mindset and get out of your own way!

✅  FREE 1:1 Power-Hour with a Money Mindset coach to help examine your relationship with money and unshackle yourself from 'golden handcuff' mentality

✅ A free follow-up 1 hour coaching session, to be taken 3-6 months after programme completion (pay in full plan only)

Ready to transform your career?

Don't miss this opportunity to revitalise your professional life. Secure your place now.

  • 2 payments

    Every 4 weeks
    Valid for 8 weeks
    • 6 x Coaching sessions
    • Unlimited support in-between sessions
  • Best Value

    Pay in Full

    Valid for 6 weeks
    • 6 x coaching sessions
    • Unlimited support in-between sessions
    • 1 x Additional coaching follow up session


Louise Kershaw

I understand how difficult it can be when you aren't fulfilled in what you're doing, and don't know how to move forward. As someone who has pivoted myself from corporate HR into small business owner, I know it's tough to face into the unknown.

My Career Clarity Success Programme leverages my experience and expertise to support you on your journey. I want to help you to carve out the future you really want.

I firmly believe that every client has the power to make meaningful and sustained changes in their own lives.

If you're interested in learning more about the programme and seeing if it's right for you, book a free discovery call today.  I'd be happy to answer any questions you have and see how I can help you achieve your goals.


Here are results from real clients

"Do it! You won't be disappointed"

"I joined the Career Success Programme and ….. WOW! I am so glad that I made the decision to do this. Louise has given me the tools, language and confidence to embrace new challenges in a career that aligns with my core values. During these sessions, I really have come away each time with valuable materials. How to set boundaries and know my whole purpose in life. I feel super empowered to make the changes in my career!

If you are thinking about joining this programme, do it, do it, DO IT! You won’t be disappointed."

A.M. United Kingdom


Frequently asked questions

There's no question too small. I'm here to help get the best results possible for you.

  • How does coaching work?
    At it's heart, coaching is about unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance. As the coachee, you will be doing most of the talking. As a coach, I will be listening deeply and working with you based on the parameters that we would agree in our contracting session. This might involve challenging you, pushing you outside of your comfort zone, and holding you accountable for your progress. In all instances, I will be asking questions to help you arrive at powerful insights, and decide on your own best way forward. Depending on the situation, I may bring in more of a consultative approach if that is required, where I can leverage my HR and Talent expertise to work with you on practical options to forge ahead in your career. The outcomes of coaching are down to you, and everyone's journey will be different. I firmly believe that every client has the power and capability to make meaningful and sustained changes in their own lives. Whilst I partner with you along your journey, it is up to you to take accountability for the changes you wish to see. This will be determined by how much you are open to change and engage meaningfully in the coaching sessions, as well as your commitment to taking action and following through with any exercises outside of our time together.
  • Is coaching affordable?
    Whilst I truly believe that transforming an unfulfilling career into one with meaning, purpose and alignment is definitely worth the investment, I understand that financial considerations are important. I have carefully designed options that provide excellent value for money while ensuring you still receive the transformative benefits of my coaching expertise. In addition to my coaching services, I offer a digital toolkit option which is accessible at a lower price point, allowing you to explore my content and start your personal development journey through self-directed reflection. I believe that investing in yourself is one of the smartest financial decisions a person can take.
  • When and where does coaching take place?
    A Coaching engagement typically lasts between 2-6 sessions. My Career Clarity Coaching is set up for 2 initial sessions, with the ability to extend beyond that as needed. My Career Clarity Success Programme is a longer experience (of 6 sessions over 6 weeks). We will meet virtually on Teams. If you are in the UK and wish to meet face to face, this can be discussed.
  • Why should I invest in coaching when I can just talk to my friends and support network?
    You absolutely should lean on your friends and family for ongoing support, as those relationships are so important. However, my coaching services will provide you with a different experience and a unique advantage. Whilst friends and family can provide emotional support during times of challenge, I offer professional, personalised guidance and support tailored to your unique needs and goals. By working with me in Career Clarity Coaching, I offer a dedicated space for your thinking. Together, we examine your current mindset and unlock additional perspectives in a safe and supportive environment. You will receive focused attention to help you navigate changes, get unstuck and accelerate your personal career journey. I use my skills as a coach to ask the right questions at the right time, to help you achieve meaningful insight. I will help you craft an actionable plan that will give you the structure and accountability you need to achieve your specific, personal goals and objectives.
  • Is coaching right for me?
    Career coaching is right for you if you are determined to make a change, need help thinking through your obstacles and uncovering solutions, and don't feel like this is something you can do on your own. Often, this might require being challenged outside of your comfort zone (something we would agree on together as part of our contracting). It will also require being open to new ways of thinking, and being willing to consider some potentially uncomfortable concepts or ideas. Coaching is for you if you're willing to engage openly with me as a coach. It is not for you if you don't feel yourself to be 'coachable' - that is to say, if you don't think there's anything that you need to change and are unwilling to consider different possibilities.
  • Why would I buy a digital toolkit when I can just go online to find answers?
    My digital toolkits, plans and handbooks are carefully curated to help you drive meaningful change through self-directed learning and reflection. My content is based on my years of study, direct experience, and qualifications. Unlike the generic, sometimes wrong, sometimes out-of-date information you’ll find online, my digital products are based on best-in-class HR, Talent and Coaching expertise. Additionally, they provide a space for reflection, actionable insights, practical exercises, and coaching moments that are specifically designed to help you accelerate your career development journey. By investing in my digital offers, you are leveraging my career’s worth of knowledge to gain access to this premium content.

Ready to transform your career today?

Don't let uncertainty hold you back from achieving your true potential. Take the first step towards a brighter future by unlocking your career clarity today.

  • 2 payments

    Every 4 weeks
    Valid for 8 weeks
    • 6 x Coaching sessions
    • Unlimited support in-between sessions
  • Best Value

    Pay in Full

    Valid for 6 weeks
    • 6 x coaching sessions
    • Unlimited support in-between sessions
    • 1 x Additional coaching follow up session

"If you are thinking about joining this programme, do it, do it, DO IT! You won’t be disappointed."

Alice McGilley, United Kingdom  ★★★★★

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